Let’s talk about collaboration and how to avoid obstacles in the way of working together.
The 13 barriers to collaboration in companies, are summarized in:
1. Sense of ownership
2. Lack of trust or respect
3. Culture of internal competition
4. Long-term vision
5. Different and not aligned priorities
6. Everything is confidential
7. Organizational charts hierarchical and compartmentalized
8. Bottlenecks
9. Ego
10. Objectives and variable remuneration
11. Lack of tools
12. We don’t have bridgeheads
13. Too much “ seriousness”
I would only add, in line with the phrase WANTING IS POWER, that values such as EGOISM (I, my, me, with me) must be absent in the DNA of collaboration, where only personal interest is looked at and nothing or little of the collective, and present values such as GENEROSITY AND HEIGHT OF SIGHTS, as explained in the previous post.
Once the two previous points have been overcome, see that it is a good time to collaborate, and be predisposed to it by breaking down the 13 barriers mentioned, the next step will be to see how to do it successfully. The good practices of cooperation networks show that the success of a cooperation network largely depends on five interrelated factors:
1st. WIN-WIN: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES must be identified and realized
New business opportunities are the reason why companies join a network. A possible lack of a concrete foundation business model must always be compensated by a clear strategy that leads to business opportunities in the future. In any case, cooperation has to pay off, otherwise companies lose interest soon.
2nd. MANAGEMENT: The MANAGEMENT OF THE NETWORK has to be in place, consistent and trusted
Cooperative networks are lightweight organizations with a small hierarchy and centralized management functions. However, a common understanding of how to handle business as well as conflict situations is crucial for success. Therefore, it is necessary to define the basic functions and establish some rules. Network management also plays a critical role in the initiation process where orientation and training is required before the rules are put into operation.
3rd. COMMITMENT: COMMITMENT must be ensured with active cooperation
The active participation of all participants and the sufficient allocation of resources (time and personnel) are essential for a network, to identify and realize business opportunities. One of the most important aspects that defines commitment is whether the network strategy has been well aligned with the individual strategic objectives of the participating companies. This strategic objective must be secured in the initial phases.
4th. TRUST: TRUST must be developed as the basis for cooperative behavior
Trust has been recognized as an important factor for success in any type of cooperation. How quickly trust develops and spreads depends on the personalities of the people involved and the relationships between them. In any case, companies have to get to know each other and work together in order to build trust. Particularly in the initiation phase, personal interviews and social gatherings facilitate this process. However, networks must not only be based on personal trust, but rules must also be established to institutionalize trust.
5th. TRANSPARENCY: THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION has to be intensive and transparent
Open communication is a basic factor in trusting relationships. In the early days of network formation, enough information that they need should be shared among the network of potential members to get to know each other well. The network manager can make a significant contribution to improving the flow of information at this stage. In the next stages, basic IT tools can be used to support this task.
To finish, just a reference to our activity carried out at AIMME for 16 years, always seeking that collaborative spirit with all the agents involved in our technology transfer projects: either we look for the best organizations or companies, or we they bring us closer, it is a two-way path, of the scope:
– ICT OFFER: that they offer a new incipient technology that could represent a significant advance in the competitiveness of the metal companies we serve.
– ICT DEMAND: proposing problems that can be solved by applying a new ICT not yet developed by anyone.
Are you collaborating with us? If so, go thinking about what and we talk, like:
– R & D projects: propose new projects (individual or collective) where we can add value with our complementary know-how to yours.
– Innovative services : propose new services offered by you where we collaborate in the dissemination, and implementation if appropriate.
-Training on the application of new ICT : propose new courses taught by you, we provide everything else (dissemination, classroom, students, etc.).
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